quarta-feira, 8 de julho de 2009

Wake up Call

Porque a letra dessa música é mara!

Porque todo mundo já passou por isso!

Porque eu acho o vídeo* dessa música um dos melhores que eu já vi em toda a minha vida...

Porque eu achava que eu já havia visto quases todas as trocentas versões ao vivo que tem dessa música no youtube...

Porque eu quase morri quando achei a versão abaixo!

Wake up call
[Maroon 5; Composição: Adam Levine / James Valentine]

I didn't hear what you were saying
I live on raw emotion baby
I answer questions, never maybe
And I'm not kind if you betray me
So who the hell are you to say we
I never would have made it, babe

If you needed love
Well then ask for love
Could have given love?
Now I'm taking love
And it's not my fault
Cause you both deserve
What's coming now
So don't say a word

Wake up call
Caught you in the morning with another one in my bed
Don't you care about me anymore?
Don't care about me? I don't think so!
Six foot tall...
Came without a warning so I had to shoot him dead!
He won't come around here anymore.
Come around here? I don't think so!

Would have bled to make you happy
You didn't need to treat me that way
And now you beat me at my own game
And now I find you sleeping soundly
And your lover's screaming loudly
I hear a sound and hit the ground

If you needed love
Well then ask for love
Could have given love?
Now I'm taking love
And it's not my fault
Cause you both deserve
What's coming now
So don't say a word

Wake up call
Caught you in the morning with another one in my bed
Don't you care about me anymore?
Don't care about me? I don't think so!
Six foot tall...
Came without a warning so I had to shoot him dead!
He won't come around here anymore.
Come around here? I don't feel so bad...

I'm so sorry darling
Did I do the wrong thing?
Oh, what was I thinking?
Is his heart still beating?
Woah oh ohh

Wake up call
Caught you in the morning with another one in my bed
Don't you care about me anymore?
Don't care about me? I don't think so!
Six foot tall...
Came without a warning so I had to shoot him dead!
He won't come around here anymore.
Come around here? I don't feel so bad...

Wake up call
Caught you in the morning with another one in my bed
Don't you care about me anymore?
Don't care about me? I don't think so!
Six foot tall...
Came without a warning so I had to shoot him dead!
He won't come around here anymore.
Come around here?

I don't feel so bad (Wake up call!)
I don't feel so bad (Caught you in the morning with another one in my bed)
I don't feel so bad (Don't you care about me anymore?)
Care about me? I don't feel so bad.
Wake up call
Caught you in the morning with another one in my bed
Don't you care about me anymore?
*Fui tentar ver esse video no youtube e ele disse que "Este vídeo pode ser impróprio para menores"... não entendi exatamente o porquê de ter que confirmar a idade para assiti-lo, já que ele passava normalmente na tv (e não me lembro de ver no dvd do maroon algo dizendo que contem cenas imprópias...)

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Algumas Observações | Ano 18 | Textos por Fernanda Rodrigues. Tecnologia do Blogger.