terça-feira, 13 de julho de 2010

Since the world began

  • "Since The World Began" - Isaiah 64:1-9 (New Living) -
  • (By Glory Revealed: Matt Maher, Amy Grant, Ed Cash, Mac Powell)

    Oh that you would burst from the heavens
    And how the mountains would quake
    But you would make the nations tremble
    All your enemies would learn of your fame

    How then shall we be saved
    How can we be saved

    Since the world began
    No ear has heard, no eye has seen
    A God like you, Oh, a God like You
    Since the world began
    No ear has heard, no eye has seen
    A God like you, Oh, a God like You

    Like autumn leaves we all wither, we all fall down
    Swept away by the wind, swept away
    Oh have mercy on us father, father
    Please don’t remember our sin

    How then shall we be saved
    How can we be saved

    Since the world began
    No ear has heard, no eye has seen
    A God like you, Oh, a God like You
    Since the world began
    No ear has heard, no eye has seen
    A God like you, Oh, a God like You

    Oh Lord you are our father
    We’re the clay but you’re the potter
    We are all formed by your hand
    According to your plan

    Since the world began
    No ear has heard, no eye has seen
    A God like you, Oh, a God like You
    Since the world began
    No ear has heard, no eye has seen
    A God like you, Oh, a God like You

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    Algumas Observações | Ano 18 | Textos por Fernanda Rodrigues. Tecnologia do Blogger.