sexta-feira, 19 de junho de 2009

I'm in peace...

I'm In Peace
[Written By Justin Nozuka]

(Verse 1)
It always occurs to me, how lovely you look today
Just how you smile that way, makes my heart melt
Seemed like just yesterday, when you stole my breath away
You walked into my life, you completed my soul
When you walked into my life, you completed my soul

I’m in peace,
I’m in peace,
I’m in peace when I am with you
You set me free; you’re all I need,
Lift me off my feet, beauty queen

(Verse 2)
Where did you find that soul of yours
You must have traveled through heaven, and searched through the garden of love
I swear there’s a light, when your eyes touch me
It’s like the sun reaching down from the sky
When you touch me with your eyes,
it’s like the sun from the sky

I’m in peace,
I’m in peace,
I’m in peace when I am with you
You set me free; you’re all I need,
Lift me off my feet, beauty queen

Your whispering,
it’s uplifting,
Sink into my body while I’m drifting
When you kiss me, really truly kiss me
Connected by our hearts, we are one

I’m in peace,
I’m in peace,
I’m in peace when I am with you
You set me free; you’re all I need,
Lift me off my feet, beauty queen

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Algumas Observações | Ano 18 | Textos por Fernanda Rodrigues. Tecnologia do Blogger.