quinta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2009

Straight Through My Heart

Porque muitas imagens valem mais do que mil palavras!!!!

[fã surtada] AJ mordeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel [/fã surtada]

In the heart
Of the night
Where its dark
In the lights
I heard the loudest noise
A gunshot on the floor
Ohhhh Ohhhhh

I looked down
And my shirts turning red
I’m spinning around
Felt her lips on my neck
And her voice in my ear
Like I missed you
Want you tonight

Straight through my heart
A single bullet got me
I can’t stop the bleeding
Straight through my heart
She aimed and she shot me
I just can't believe it
No I can't resist
And I cant be hit
I just cant escape this love
Straight through my heart
Soldier down (my heart)
Soldier down (my heart)

Thought I moved
More than on
Thought I could
Fool her charm
I really wanna go
But I can't leave her alone
Ohhhh ohhhh

Hear the sound
Of a love so loud
I just can’t, I just can’t ignore this feeling
Said she misses me
And she wants me
Wants me tonight

Straight through my heart
A single bullet got me
I can’t stop the bleeding
Straight through my heart
She aimed and she shot me
I just can't believe it
No I can't resist
And I cant be hit
I just cant escape this love
Straight through my heart
Soldier down (my heart)
Soldier down (my heart)


In the heart
Of the night
Where its dark
In the lights
I heard the loudest noise
A gunshot on the floor...

Straight through my heart
A single bullet got me
I can’t stop the bleeding
Straight through my heart
She aimed and she shot me
I just can't believe it
No I can't resist
And I cant be hit
I just cant escape this love
Straight through my heart
Soldier down (my heart)
Soldier down (my heart)

Ohhh Ohhh Ohhh Ohhh Ohhh

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Algumas Observações | Ano 18 | Textos por Fernanda Rodrigues. Tecnologia do Blogger.